Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Licorice Advent Incident. Part One.

Those of you who know me, know my love for the Scandinavians. I just get all warm and fuzzy with almost all things Scandinavian. This love affair started back in 2006 when I met my Danish soulmate, Mona. She and I were in an English Writing class at Hawaii Pacific University. At the end of the course, we were partnered up for our final research paper. After that we spent the rest of our time together attached at the hip. Once she graduated, and I moved back to Colorado, she'd visit me, we'd meet up somewhere, and then I'd visit her. We went to Denmark last month for her amazing wedding. Mona and her husband Per were the most generous hosts. We felt like family during our entire visit. Even though we went to Denmark strictly to be guests at their wedding and help in any way we could, they took their time to take us sight seeing, cook us incredible homemade dinners, and make sure we had all we needed. We couldn't be more greatful to have spent an amazing six days in their presence. In addition to their generosity as hosts and friends, they bestowed upon us a gift. 

One evening while drinking wine in the kitchen, Mona presented us with said present. This gift is likely to be remembered by us for the rest of our lives. A. Licorice. Advent. Calendar. A gift such as this is likely to be a thrill to anyone who has a boner for all things Scandinavians, such as me. There is one problem. Licorice is disgusting. I broke the unfortunate news to Mona and she said, "this is different, it's Danish licorice, you'll like it." Uh yeeeeeeeah... I told her we'd document each tasting to show her how much we hated it. And here is the result. In three installments, I will showcase the agony we experienced during our 24 days of licorice. Without further delay (in the form of rambled writing) I present to you the worst moments of the past 24 days.

Day one:

The kickoff of the advent was a chocolate coated piece of licorice. Unfortunately, the chocolate did not cover up the taste of the licorice.

Day Two:

Salty and crunchy do not mix with black licorice... Nothing does. (That's my "take the stupid picture so I can spit this out," face)

Day Three:

Nick's face says it all...

Day Four:

It only took four days to find one I don't want to spit out! Even RC thought it was OK... Then again, he eats poop.

Day Five:

Unfortunately, the chili taste did not mask the licorice taste. In fact, it may have made it taste stronger.

Day Six:

Sweet. Licorice. Syrup. What a cruel invention.

Day Seven:

The gold coating on the outside did not mask the malevolence waiting within, although it did hide it somewhat. 

Day Eight:

Sweet, chewy, and disgusting. 

Thank you for reading this first installment of the Licorice Advent Incident. The next installment will be available once I consult my thesaurus for adjectives other than disgusting. 
