Monday, March 4, 2013

I can't wait until Mother's Day!

I cannot wait until Mother's Day to publicly proclaim my mom's awesomeness! She has always been there for me and she has been a best friend to me. I have told her my secrets, fears, hopes and dreams and I will continue to do so. She doesn't judge me, she keeps her lectures to a minimum (especially when she sees my eyes glaze over), she does things for us so selflessly that it blows my mind.

Suffice to say, this wasn't always our relationship. Obviously, at one point in my life I was a snotty, ungrateful teenage girl (and maybe the snottyness continued into my early twenties). What changed our relationship (in my opinion) was when I decided to be honest and tell her everything about me and my life. I will admit, my sneaky tactic was so she would stop asking and I would have my privacy... My plan backfired. It turned out having that type of communication in my life was awesome. Although I am sure I have divulged things she did not want to hear (and wishes she could erase from her memory), I loved having the openness and honesty I had with her. So much so in fact, that the practice trickled into many of the important relationships in my life. I digress.

I've always been the type who needs my mommy when I'm sick, depressed, heartbroken, or just bothered. My mom has always been the type to oblige, even when I kept her on the phone while browsing each isle in the grocery store. Nothing exemplified my mom's selfless generosity as me having a child. After Emmett was born she spent her time and resources to help us in any way she could. She spent time in the hospital with me helping Nick coach me thorough labor, without taking over or being overbearing. Once we came home she brought us groceries and cooked us enough pork to put us (at least me) off of it for good. Then she requested recipes so she could cook us a variety of dishes with other main entrées. When my Rav4 was to small to accommodate the new addition to our family, she traded me cars and helped me sell the Rav4, and hasn't so much as demanded a ride in the new car; although I'm tempted to buy her a car, house, puppy and chickens (pending lottery winnings). Even before Emmett, while she was undergoing chemotherapy she was happy to help planning my wedding (something we frequently did at her appointments). Now don't get me wrong she has her flaws, for example, she is a huge dork (insert clip of her singing "Who Let the Dogs Out" to Emmett). But that doesn't change the fact that she is the type of mother I strive to be. Honest, trusting, open, accepting, and so many more indescribable qualities that make her one of the pillars that keeps my life in balance.

Hug kiss cheeker weekers, mom.


1 comment:

  1. Aw sweetie, you are too kind. I am only doing what mommies do. Thank you for the wonderful post, I have loved every minute of helping you. Hug, Kiss, Cheeker Weekers! You are loved so much! Mom
